Good day, today I’m starting to work on the flop tube fuel pick-up installation, and in particular the anti-hang up guide over the root rib access panel. This is another one of those areas were the HRII Sport Wing plans are silent and the RV-4 plans are very basic in their description. Reviewing many other […]
Capacitance Fuel Sender Plates
Good day, today I started to work on building some parts needed for the capacitance fuel sender system. The best place to start if you want to incorporate this mod into your F1 is to get a copy of the Van’s OP-7 Capacitive Fuel Quantity Sender drawing. I decided to go with this system because […]
Fuel Tank Trap Door
Good day, today I’m working on the fuel tank trap door which is located on the 2nd inboard rib from the root. The purpose of the trap door is to create a bit of a header tank in the inboard fuel tank bay, acting as a check valve allowing fuel to flow into that bay […]
Fuel Tank Stiffeners and Tank Bracket
Good day, today I’m working on the fuel tank stiffeners and finishing up the fuel tank forward root rib bracket. I began with laying out all of the lower fuel tank skin stiffeners from the AA3 stock that came with the RV-4 wing kit. However, as I’m building the large 55 USG extended range tanks, […]