This evening I was able to get my buddy Dave over again to help me finish up riveting the main wing spars. I have the same comments as I did from the last time we riveted the other spar. It’s A LOT of work bucking those 3/16-inch rivets! Here’s a video we took to show […]
Rear Wing Spar Riveting
This evening I tackled riveting the rear wing spars which was a really straightforward job. Clamping some wood blocks to the workbench allowed me to get the rear spar in a vertical position where I could early rivet with the gun and bucking bar. Riveting went well with only one rivet needing to be drilled […]
Main Wing Spar Riveting
Tonight I enlisted the help of my buddy Dave to bash and set a bunch of the big 3/16 (-6) rivets to assemble the main wing spars. For this job I used the 5x rivet gun and set my compressor to deliver 90 psi. The 5x gun worked pretty good for the most part, however […]
Rear Wing Spar Assembly
Today, the task I’m setting out to get the rear wing spars ready for riveting. In the image below, I’m working to locate the TR-W-007F rear spar – aileron attach doubler which is riveted to the rear side of the rear spars. This is a bit tricky as the plans don’t give you much in […]