Today I worked on an OPTIONAL modification, which was to add access holes through the forward and aft sides of the F-404 bulkhead. Some builders have added holes as large as 2-inches in this area. I chose to go with a 1 3/4 inch hole, for no other reason that I didn’t want to go […]
F-404 Bulkhead assembly prep
Now that the main structure of the F-404 bulkhead has been assembled into its larger frame unit, it’s time to take it apart and to do more individual part prep (priming). I also had to take a bit of time to make a few spacer blocks to maintain the proper spacing between the front and […]
F-404 Bulkhead assembly continues (pt. 1)
Today’s build is going to continue on with the F-404 bulkhead, as there are still a few more tasks to continue before I can start on the final riveting. It sure is exciting to see this part coming together. Below is a picture from the side. The blue side plates come supplied with the Van’s […]
F-404 Bulkhead Assembly – Aft Side
For this post, similar to the previous bulkhead assembly – forward side, was done over the series of several build sessions. Again, to keep the assembly of this part flowing smoothly, I’m going to consolidate those several build sessions into one post. This post also won’t be a long or detailed as the bulkhead assembly […]