Today I was able to pick up a nice new toolbox for a smokin’ deal. I’m really excited to get my riveting and sheetmetal working tools better organized. Please comment, I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
Horizontal Stabilizer Priming
Lots of prepping and priming tonight. Certainly not the most fun work to be done when building an airplane but it sure makes the parts look pretty! Here is what it looks like when I’m getting the parts prepped. I have a file to clean up any sharp edges, fine sandpaper to smooth out any […]
F1 Mod – Upsized rivets on forward and rear spars
Tonight I’m working on trying to finish off a few more modification details. One of which is to drill holes in the forward spar to accommodate a few 5/32 inch rivets on the HS-810-1 and HS-814-1 reinforcement angles. The diagram below shows the area of the reinforcing angles where the larger rivets go. Due to […]
Horizontal Stabilizer – Center hinge bearing riveting
I didn’t have much time today so I just tackled a quick job by riveting the HS-411PP. This is pretty self explanatory, so I’ll keep this entry short. As usual, all of this riveting was accomplished by using Main Squeeze hand squeezer.