Good day, today I’m continuing with making the isolators for the capacitance fuel sender system. These isolators are made from 1-inch Delrin rod. You need 3 isolator assemblies per sender plate – in total you’ll need 12 isolator assemblies.
The Van’s OP-7 drawing shows using Delrin “washers / spacers” of 1/8-inch thickness. With one assembly consisting of 4 individual pieces. I chose to simplify my setup with one 1/8-inch spacer and one 3/8-inch spacer.

I found that using a 1/8-thick piece of aluminum worked well to draw a cut line on the Delrin rod.

Once the rod was marked, I cut it on my tabletop bandsaw. It worked out well, however I found that to keep the saw following the line, I needed to keep turning the rod. The only issue with this method was that it left a little ridge in the middle of the rod that will need to be filed off.

Here’s the rod in the vice while I’m trying to file down the aforementioned ridge. This stuff is not nice to file whatsoever!!

Here’s the complete set of the isolator discs.

Next I needed to mark the center of the isolators to be able to drill them for the sender plate mounting screws. I started by marking a line of 3 sides of the face and finding the center of the line.

Next extend a line from the center mark through the center of the rod, where these intersect is where to drill.

When I drilled the isolators, I wanted to drill them as a set, so I used electrical tape to keep one thick piece and one thin disc together as I drilled. This seemed to work out well.

That’s all for today folks! Please comment. I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
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