Tonight I removed the HS-3201 forward spar doubler to drill the rivet holes used to attach it to the spar. This isn’t too difficult to do. First I started by determining the required rivet edge distance and I started with the most outboard hole on each arm of the doubler.
As this doubler is an important part in forming the strength of the F1 Rocket tail, it’s important to drill the rivet holes accurately. All this drilling was done using a drill press which gave me really nice results.
The reason I started with the outer most holes is because now I can use the rivet spacing fan to match the hole spacing with that near the center that was pre-drilled by Van’s. I just use a sharpie marker to make a dot in each of the holes.
Here’s how it looks after you remove the spacer fan.
Again, I center punched the holes and drilled them on the drill press.
And here’s the finished product.
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