Good day. Today I’m working on the preparation of the fuel tank ribs to add all of the various holes for fuel transfer between bays, vent line hole, and water drainage. I also started by working on fabricating the forward inboard root rib attach brackets.
The layout for these brackets is pretty straightforward.

Then I moved on to working on the layout for the rib holes. Marking the various holes in the ribs is an easy task…if you have an accurate starting location. As you can see in the picture below, I wedged a straight edge between the rib and my fixture, so that I could butt the ruler up against the straight edge to be able to accurately measure distance across the ribs.

I also found this circle drafting tool to be very helpful for layout out various sized circles.

Lots of repetitive work, but eventually I got all the ribs laid out and ready for drilling.

I found using the fly cutter worked really well for cutting out most of the rib holes.

And here’s the finished ribs!

That’s all for today folks! Please comment. I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
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