Continuing the saga from yesterday, today I cannot proceed with any more horizontal stabilizer riveting until I revisit and finish riveting in the HS-704 nose ribs. Again!
So I got the nose ribs clecoed in place (on the correct side this time!) and then proceeded with riveting them in. Below is the rivet gun setup that I used. This worked REALLY well. I had no difficulty shooting these rivets today and it actually went very smoothly and with good results. In the past I used the double offset rivet set. This caused me nothing but grief. I got it to work, but it’s not nearly as controlled as with using this 5 1/2 inch extended rivet set.

Below is the finished results. I’m happy with that!

And the HS-704 nose ribs now fit. One step forward, two steps back.

Now that this little screw-up is rectified, I can now get back on track with finishing up the riveting of the upper surface of the horizontal stabilizer, and then back onto the wing spars. Stay tuned for more in the coming days.
Today’s playlist was the Plane Building Playlist.
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