Today I’m continuing with riveting main wing spars. Both wings spars have been brought up to the same level of completeness. The next step is to begin fastening the forward spar web and main spar web into one spar assembly.
In the image below, the first thing you’ll notice is all the pieces of electrical tape. As the spar components are being riveted into single assemblies, the assembly manual instructions suggest that you put the -6 spar cap rivets in place to help keep alignment of the spar fastener holes. I used the tape to hole these spar cap rivets in place.
Also, along the center span of the spar, I have the spar web spacer block rivets held in place by strips of tape as well, in addition to clecos on each end of the spacer blocks. You don’t want these to come loose, because there is a very high chance that you’ll never be able to get them into alignment once you start riveting because there is no access to these any more from this point on.

Below is a picture of one of the spar web rivets. This is a 3/16 inch rivet. I’m sure this will eventually be fun to drive and set. (AN470AD6-22)

Spar web spacer block riveting in progress.

Below is a view from the rear side of the spar during the riveting process.

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