Good day, today I’m continuing to work on the right wing fuel tank ribs. There was more drilling to finish off the holes, then I spent some time on tweaking the flanges and ensuring they were straight and square. There wasn’t much today to take pictures of and all of these processes have been previously documented in earlier posts for the left fuel tank.

Another part of the rib prep that I did was taking off the Van’s part stickers. These things are notorious for being a real pain to remove. I found using a product called Goof Off. This stuff works like magic!

Just squirt some on and leave it for a few moments.

The Goof Off just melts the adhesive on the label and it peels right off.

Then for what’s left, a rag with a dab of the Goof Off and what’s left of the glue come right off. It’s so easy.

I also managed to get the trap door installed for the right fuel tank as well. A short post today but that’s all I have.

That’s all for today folks! Please comment. I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
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