Not too much excitement to report on this evening. My time was spent dimpling the rudder skin. As you can see in the picture, I have the DRDT-2 dimpling machine. I cannot say enough good things about this. Once you have it set up properly for the thickness of material you are dimpling, you get nice, crisp, clean dimples – consistently! The other bonus to using this, is that with currently living in a basement apartment, noise is not an issue either.
The DRDT-2 and Support Table
And here we dimple!
One other item to note, is that I prime the material first, then dimple. By doing it this way I find I get better results. Sometimes it’s more difficult to get the primer to evenly coat the inside of the dimples. With the priming system I’m using, (Sherwin Williams GPB-988 Self Etching Primer rattle cans) the coating is solid enough that dimpling after priming doesn’t have any effect.
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