This evening I riveted the rudder hinge mounting brackets and reinforcing plates. One item of caution here is just to remember that you will be using longer rivets than are called for in the RV-8 plans. So make sure you check each rivet for the correct length before you start riveting.
In the picture below you can see the handy little tool I use for checking rivet size. This thing works like a charm! As seen in the picture, the rivet is of the proper length needed.
In the picture below, don’t forget that the rivet for the nutplate might be an additional .5 rivet length more compared to the other rivet.
The images below are for the rudder upper hinge brackets, front and back. Also to note that I did all this riveting using the hand squeezers. As mentioned before, I have the Cleveland Tools “Main Squeeze”. IMHO this is the ONLY hand squeezer worth using. As far as I’m concerned all the others are junk. If you haven’t tried the main squeeze, you don’t know what you’re missing.
Note: Sorry for the pictures being a bit blurry, I’ve been playing with my SLR camera to better learn the manual camera settings.
The following pictures are for the center hinge attach bracket.
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I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
I love this web-page, very informative!
Hi Mats,
Thank you for your comment. I checked out your blogspot and congrats on ordering your empennage kit. If you have any questions while you build don’t hesitate to drop me an email. Good Luck!