Today I started off by prepping the rudder frame parts for priming, and then of course, getting them primed. Pretty simple, nothing I haven’t covered elsewhere.
While the parts were drying, I thought I would be productive and start riveting some stringers onto the rudder skin. The first few rivets set perfectly.
And then…tragedy struck!
I got the rivet gun all set perfectly square with the back rivet set on the rivet. I slowly squeezed the trigger and delivered the ideal burst which I knew resulted in a perfectly formed shop head on the rivet.
What I didn’t realize was that this rivet was just off the steel plate used for back riveting. What I did have was a perfectly formed step where the back rivet plate ended. And so was the life of this first rudder skin.
With the demise of this skin also sank my motivation for building more today. No one ever said that it would be easy. So with my tail between my legs, I’m heading home to go and order some more material for the rudder stiffeners and a new rudder skin.
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