Today I ventured into cutting the HS-3201 horizontal stabilizer forward spar doubler. Drilling I started by securely clamping the doubler plate onto the drill press. I located the center of the holes to be cut. Once the holes were located, I used larger drill bit to cut the holes to size. It was a toss-up […]
Horizontal Stabilizer Doubler Filing
My progress for this evening included lots of filing on the horizontal stabilizer doubler (HS-3101). When I had the 0.125 piece of aluminum cut, it was purposely made to be slightly oversized. As you can see in the photo below, it doesn’t quite fit within the rear spar. Three hours later…and sore hands! Well, maybe […]
Horizontal Stabilizer Doubler Template
Today I’m working on making Rocket mods to strengthen the horizontal stabilizer and I started with making a doubler template. Horizontal Stab – Rear Spar Doubler Template First I put the horizontal stabilizer rear spars together, attached with the 0.125″ stiffeners which are part of the original RV-8 tail components. For the template I started with […]
Vertical Fin Test Fit
Having recently received my Van’s RV-8 tail kit I have been very eager to get started and I did so by doing a test fit of the vertical fin. You’ve gotta love all the CNC machined parts and how well they all fit together. I had no trouble getting the vertical fin together with a […]