Today I’m wrapping up the last of the final spar riveting. There are a few spar web spacer blocks at the root end that are double flush riveted and those are the task at hand. In the picture below I’m using electrical tape to hold the rivets in place while I’m riveting to help keep […]
Main Wing Spar Riveting Continues
This evening I was able to get my buddy Dave over again to help me finish up riveting the main wing spars. I have the same comments as I did from the last time we riveted the other spar. It’s A LOT of work bucking those 3/16-inch rivets! Here’s a video we took to show […]
Main Wing Spar Riveting
Tonight I enlisted the help of my buddy Dave to bash and set a bunch of the big 3/16 (-6) rivets to assemble the main wing spars. For this job I used the 5x rivet gun and set my compressor to deliver 90 psi. The 5x gun worked pretty good for the most part, however […]
Wing Spar Comparison
Just a short blog post today. As I was picking up the F1 main wing spars off the storage rack, I noticed that it was stacked on top of the Stewart S-51 main spar webs. I took these two pictures as I think many of you will find the difference in size between these spars […]