Tonight I continued with riveting the vertical stabilizer. After following the RV-8 building instructions for this part, I marked out the riveting process sequence on the skin. The first step was to rivet from the VS-707 rib and front spar upwards toward the VS-706 tip rib. Second step was to rivet from VS-707 down the front spar to the VS-704 root rib. Third was to rivet from the front spar back along the VS-707 rib toward the rear spar.
In the picture below I’ve got the upper half of the skin riveted to the front spar. On the lower half you can see I’m still in the process of riveting by all the holes covered with electrical tape. I find that the electrical tape works better to hold the rivets in place rather than standard riveting tape.
Front spar is riveted!
Now that the front spar is riveted, I’m ready to rivet the root rib.
Here is what it looks like on the inside of the VS while riveting. At the right side of the picture you will note the big 1/8″ doubler added to the front spar.
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