An exciting day today as I’m working on wing stand installation here in the shop. I’ll be fastening these stands to the concrete floor so they can remain secure throughout the wing build.

I started by roughly placing the stands to see how they would fit in the space. I wanted to make sure I had enough room between them to comfortable work on those areas of the wings.

Once they stands were located, my buddy Garet and I drilled them to the floor, and leveled them in all 3 axis. The leveling was accomplished by placing washers under the feet of the stands. This didn’t get it perfect but it’s pretty darn close. We also leveled (as best we could) between the two ends of the stands as well. So when it comes time to mount the spar in the stand, it should take very little adjustment to get level.

That’s all for today folks! Please comment. I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
Good day!
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