I recently received the replacement rudder skin for the one that I messed up a few weeks back, while riveting on the stiffener angles. While riveting this one, I made darn sure that the back riveting plate was under where I was riveting. Everything was going great, until I got to the trailing edge. I got […]
Rudder Spar Riveting
This evening I riveted the rudder hinge mounting brackets and reinforcing plates. One item of caution here is just to remember that you will be using longer rivets than are called for in the RV-8 plans. So make sure you check each rivet for the correct length before you start riveting. In the picture below […]
Vertical Fin Reinforcing Plates
Another F1 Rocket modification to be accomplished is adding additional reinforcing plates to the vertical fin spar hinge attach points (in the top and mid locations). The additional plate at the upper fin location is made from 2024-T3, 0.063″ material and trimmed to be large enough to pick up all the rivet holes of the […]
Rudder Hinge Reinforcing Plates
Today I began to work on one of the F1 Rocket mods that are needed on the standard RV-8 tail kit, which are to add additional reinforcing plates. These plates are the same as the ones supplied with the kit, and for these I managed to get some of these extra parts off my buddy Garet as he had some […]