Lots of prepping and priming tonight. Certainly not the most fun work to be done when building an airplane but it sure makes the parts look pretty! Here is what it looks like when I’m getting the parts prepped. I have a file to clean up any sharp edges, fine sandpaper to smooth out any […]
Right Elevator Assembly
Building of the right elevator is now underway. Lots of straight forward work here so I’m not going to elaborate too much. At this point I’m just following the RV builders manual instructions. I got as far as being able to apply primer to the elevator skin once all the stiffeners, spar and ribs were test […]
Rudder Stiffener Riveting
Today I started off by prepping the rudder frame parts for priming, and then of course, getting them primed. Pretty simple, nothing I haven’t covered elsewhere. While the parts were drying, I thought I would be productive and start riveting some stringers onto the rudder skin. The first few rivets set perfectly. And then…tragedy […]
Rudder Skin Dimpling
Not too much excitement to report on this evening. My time was spent dimpling the rudder skin. As you can see in the picture, I have the DRDT-2 dimpling machine. I cannot say enough good things about this. Once you have it set up properly for the thickness of material you are dimpling, you get nice, crisp, […]