Now that the elevators, trim tab, vertical fin and rudder are all assembled as far as I can before the “Pre-Cover” Inspection (Canadian regulatory requirement), I’m finally getting to the home stretch of the empennage. All that I have left to do is assemble the horizontal stablizer. It’s been a while, but some of the […]
Horizontal Stabilizer – Forward Spar Riveting
Moving along with riveting on the horizontal stabilizer, tonight I’m starting to work on riveting the forward spar. Again, I started by clecoing the spar, reinforcing angles and F1 Rocket doubler mod together. Again, in the photo below you can note by the black clecos that there are a few larger rivets (5/32″) that are […]
Horizontal Stabilizer – Rear Spar Riveting
After all the hard work of building, prepping, priming, drilling and getting the horizontal stabilizer to this point, I’m finally getting to do some riveting! This is always the most exciting part of the build process because it is where you get the most visual progress, and best of all…these parts aren’t having to come […]
Forward Spar Countersinking
This evening I had a little time to countersink several holes in the rear side of the center forward spar. This area has flush rivets installed because a steel plate is eventually bolted to the HS forward spar in this area. The steel plate is used to attach the vertical stabilizer. I found a really good picture […]