Tonight I’m working on trying to finish off a few more modification details. One of which is to drill holes in the forward spar to accommodate a few 5/32 inch rivets on the HS-810-1 and HS-814-1 reinforcement angles. The diagram below shows the area of the reinforcing angles where the larger rivets go. Due to […]
F1 Mod – Horizontal Stabilizer Front Spar/Tip Rib Bracket
Tonight I worked on yet another F1 Rocket Mod, and again on the horizontal stabilizer. As shown in the diagram below, this mod is to add a small clip (bracket) on the front side of the forward spar where it attaches to the tip rib. I started with a piece of aluminum angle I bent. […]
Horizontal Stabilizer – Trimming and Drilling
The horizontal stabilizer is really starting to come together. Now that I have all the ribs in and drilled, it’s time to take the skins off and once again get access to the internal structure for a little bit of trimming and some more drilling. With the skins off, you can see that I still […]
Horizontal Stabilizer – Skin Drilling
Today I started drilling the skins of the Horizontal Stabilizer (HS). The skin comes predrilled but the holes all need to be drilled out to the final size (#40). Also the forward spar, between the root rib (E-705) and main rib (E-708), is not drilled. The skin is pre-drilled in this area, but not the […]