Today I will continue with riveting the doublers on both the vertical fin front spar and rear spar. Since I left off the other day having finished riveting the flush rivets. I then continued with the AN-470-4 rivets for the rest of the VS-808PP rear spar doubler. In the pictures below you’ll notice that I […]
Vertical Fin Dimpling and Riveting
Today I began with dimpling the VS-803PP rear spar. For dimpling I use the DRDT-2 dimpling machine. This is one of the “Must Have” tools. Yes, it is an expensive piece of kit but it is well worth it; not only in consistency of the dimples but also in being able to work quietly. As […]
Vertical Fin Final Drilling and Priming
Today I have a little bit of final drilling to do before I can prep and prime the vertical fin structure. All the holes need to be drilled to the final #40 size. VS-705 Nose Rib With the vertical fin outer skin cleco’d on the fin frame assembly, I noticed that the skin didn’t […]
Vertical Fin Rear Spar Doubler and Hinges
Today I’m continuing work on the VS-808PP rear spar doubler. I began with countersinking the holes near the bottom of the forward face of the doubler. The reason for this is because the forward side of the VS-803PP spar is dimpled where it mates to the fuselage. With the VS-803PP dimpled, the VS-808PP doubler needs to be […]