Today I’m beginning to work on the leading edges. The plan today is to try and get the outboard leading edge skins strapped down and in place. These skins are also sometimes referred to as the ‘fixed’ leading edge skins, as they are riveted in place, whereas the fuel tanks which form the inboard portion […]
Left wing assembly
Today I’m progressing with the assembly of the left wing. In my last post I provided lots of details about the wing assembly, and riveting of the internal structure. As my post today is just more of the same, so I’m going to keep this post short. As you can see in the picture below, […]
Wings in the Jig
It’s a big day for the F1Rocket-Hanger because I finally have the both wings in the jigs, and I’m working on getting them leveled in preparation for skinning. I was a bit unsure of how to do this at first. The RV-4 wing assembly instructions want you to drill holes in the spars to determine […]
Right wing assembly – part 5 – Right wing assembly
The plan for today is to start riveting and assembling the right wing. I didn’t post about the prep work and priming in between this and the last post, by now we all know how much of a thankless job that part of homebuilding is. I would like to say, just for those who are […]