When starting out on the flaps for the Sport Wing of the F1 Rocket, the first step is to shorten the flap spar that comes in the RV-4 wing kit. In the picture below, you can see that I have the cut lines marked out, and I also have the top and bottom of the […]
Aileron assembly – Pt. 2
Continuing with the building up of the ailerons, I’m starting out today by trimming the aileron skin, as the ailerons on the F1 Rocket are 48 inches in length and are trimmed on the inboard side. Here is a closer look at the trim line. 48 inches is the final dimension, and for now, I’m […]
Aileron assembly Pt. 1
The next project I’m moving forward with is going to be assembling the flaps and ailerons. I’m tackling this now, mostly to assemble some of the loose pieces that have been sitting around the shop for the last little bit and I’m eager to get these into an assembly to only have to move one […]
Aileron bellcranks
The project for today is to start assembling the aileron bellcrank assemblies. These parts are pretty straight forward as most of the parts are provided in the kit. The only thing that had to be fabricated for these are 2 little spacers which you can see on the ends of the assembly (held in with […]