An exciting day today as I’m finally able to start riveting the ailerons together! I started with the spar, and getting the end doubler plate and nutplate riveted. Next I started to assemble the leading edge assembly, and this is done by first getting the leading edge end ribs fastened to the balance weight pipe. […]
Aileron assembly – Pt. 3 – Lightening holes
Now that the aileron assembly is pretty much put together, I now need to focus on the aileron spars which still have a bit of work outstanding. What I need to do now is to dimple the spar caps, and also to cut out the lightening holes that run the length of the spar. I […]
Flap assembly – Pt. 1 – Getting started
When starting out on the flaps for the Sport Wing of the F1 Rocket, the first step is to shorten the flap spar that comes in the RV-4 wing kit. In the picture below, you can see that I have the cut lines marked out, and I also have the top and bottom of the […]
Aileron assembly – Pt. 2
Continuing with the building up of the ailerons, I’m starting out today by trimming the aileron skin, as the ailerons on the F1 Rocket are 48 inches in length and are trimmed on the inboard side. Here is a closer look at the trim line. 48 inches is the final dimension, and for now, I’m […]