Today I fabricated some stiffener angles to use of the horizontal stabilizer rear spar and tip ribs. These are again similar to the angles added on the Rudder and Elevators.
Here is a diagram of the angle locations:
I started with a piece of angle and roughly marked some lines of where to start cutting it to size.
Then cut the left and right angle brackets out.
And here is the rough angle and how it fits.
Here it is from the back side. As you can see the angle sticks up above the spar, so I will need to trim that excess off.
Angle with the trim lines.
Using the 3M Scotchbrite wheel works wonders on trimming off the excess and sharp edges. I also have my grinder on a moveable stand and I like to put it outside because it creates lots of fine dust.
Once trimmed, I marked the proper edge distance for the 1/8″ rivets. The “x” marks the center for a 5ft rivet on that side of the angle.
and here is the stiffener angle in place.
Being close to midnight when I finished up my work tonight, I was surprised to see that there was still a wee bit of light in the sky. Gotta love Alberta’s long summer days!
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