Today I’m continuing with riveting main wing spars. Both wings spars have been brought up to the same level of completeness. The next step is to begin fastening the forward spar web and main spar web into one spar assembly. In the image below, the first thing you’ll notice is all the pieces of electrical […]
Main Spar Riveting – Right Wing
Today I began the main spar riveting on the right-wing. I started at the forward wing spar doubler splice plate. This riveting was straightforward. This next picture is the first few rivets set. The next picture shows the splice plate has the riveting completed. The next step was to rivet the spar web spacer blocks […]
Left Wing Rib Attach Angles
Progressing on the left wing main spar, today I worked on locating and drilling the rib attach angles, particularly in the fuel tank extension doubler area. As I had previously got the wing attach angles fabricated and drilled, these were quick to get installed. Next I located and drilled the inner (of 3) spar stiffener […]
Left Wing Fuel Tank Doubler
Tonight I got to work on getting the left wing spar fuel tank doubler extension plate installed. Once again, this is for the 55 gallon fuel tank, so this doubler is the 33-inch extension doubler. I started by marking where all of the additional spar web, spacer blocks, will be located. Again, having already figured […]