Tonight I worked on the vertical stabilizer (VS) and the attachment of the VS-705 nose rib and VS-704 root rib to the front spar. When building the standard RV-8 kit, this would normally not be an issue. However as I have modified these parts to convert these parts to an F1 Rocket fin, some changes needed […]
Elevator balance weights and Riveting
Tonight I had a bit of time to do some quick riveting on some elevator parts. I started with finishing the elevator trim motor cover plate by riveting on the Z-channels. Next I riveted right elevator E-703 and E-704 tip ribs together to form their assembly. I then moved on to riveting the E-709 rib […]
F1 Mod – Trim Motor Bracket and Trim Tab Spar Stiffener
Tonight I was able to tackle a few little jobs on the left elevator. I started by working on the elevator trim motor support which is mounted on the trim cover plate (E-616PP). There are a few things to be careful of when doing this. I recommend that before doing this, you go and read a few […]
Right Elevator – Counterbalance and Input Horn
Today I was working on the right elevator. In particular I was fitting the WD-605-R-1 elevator horn and also working on the counterbalance area on the tip. With all the parts being pre-drilled this work is pretty self-explanatory. The only words of wisdom here are to use lots of clecos to hold everything nice and […]