Moving along with riveting on the horizontal stabilizer, tonight I’m starting to work on riveting the forward spar. Again, I started by clecoing the spar, reinforcing angles and F1 Rocket doubler mod together. Again, in the photo below you can note by the black clecos that there are a few larger rivets (5/32″) that are […]
F1 Mod – Upsized rivets on forward and rear spars
Tonight I’m working on trying to finish off a few more modification details. One of which is to drill holes in the forward spar to accommodate a few 5/32 inch rivets on the HS-810-1 and HS-814-1 reinforcement angles. The diagram below shows the area of the reinforcing angles where the larger rivets go. Due to […]
F1 Mod – Horizontal Stabilizer – Rear Spar Bar Drilling
Today I’m working on the horizontal stabilizer rear spar and will be drilling some holes to accommodate larger rivets as part of the F1 Rocket Mods. This particular mod is to add 5/32 rivets to the areas on the rear HS spar as identified below, 32 places in total. Again, all the drilling was done on a drill […]
F1 Mod – Horizontal Stabilizer Front Spar/Tip Rib Bracket
Tonight I worked on yet another F1 Rocket Mod, and again on the horizontal stabilizer. As shown in the diagram below, this mod is to add a small clip (bracket) on the front side of the forward spar where it attaches to the tip rib. I started with a piece of aluminum angle I bent. […]