Tonight I worked on yet another F1 Rocket Mod, and again on the horizontal stabilizer. As shown in the diagram below, this mod is to add a small clip (bracket) on the front side of the forward spar where it attaches to the tip rib. I started with a piece of aluminum angle I bent. […]
F1 Mod – Horizontal Stabilizer Skin Stiffeners
Tonight I’m starting on another F1 Mod to the Horizontal Stabilizer. This mod calls for adding skin stiffener angles to the upper and lower skin surfaces between the rib bays – 2 per bay, both on the upper and lower surfaces. See the diagram below. I began by marking lines of the HS skins where […]
New Pneumatic Squeezer!
I wasn’t able to find time to work today, but I did just receive a new pneumatic squeezer. I’m really looking forward to putting this new tool to work! Please comment, I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
F1 Mod – Horizontal Stabilizer Rear Spar and Tip Rib Stiffener Angles Continued
Tonight I’m continuing where I left off in my last work session. I’m working on the horizontal stabilizer rear spar to tip rib stiffener angles. I began by center punching and drilling pilot holes for the rivets. Once the angle had the pilot holes drilled, I clamped it in place so I could match drill the […]