Tonight I got to work on getting the left wing spar fuel tank doubler extension plate installed. Once again, this is for the 55 gallon fuel tank, so this doubler is the 33-inch extension doubler. I started by marking where all of the additional spar web, spacer blocks, will be located. Again, having already figured […]
Right Spar Tie Down Bracket
Now that the right wing spar parts are all primed, there is just a bit more pre-assembly to do before I get into riveting the spar together. One main item is finishing up the tie down bracket. On the F1 (and Harmon Rocket II for that matter) the tie down bracket is installed a bit […]
Right Wing Rib Attach Angles
Today I’m working on locating the attach angles for the wing ribs. This isn’t too difficult, however you need to make sure that you keep the perpendicular to the spar. A machinist angle works well here. I start by marking the centerline on the angle, then aligning it on the spar so that you can […]
Locating Rib Angles – Right Wing Spar
Today I’m working on locating and drilling the wing rib attach angles (and a few spar stiffener angles). In the picture below you can see that I have already cut the angles and generally have them in the proper locations. The rivet layout for these angles is straight forward. I marked the centerline, drilled a […]